Products based on PGMG- hydrochloride are widely used by cleaning companies for cleaning and disinfection of premises, as well as cleaning textiles.

Advantages of PHMG – hydrochloride-based disinfectants:

  • they can affect a wide range of microorganisms (bacterias, viruses, fungi, etc.)
  • they have low toxicity for humans and animals
  • they keep the room fresh and clean for a long time (the biocidal effect lasts from 3 to 8 months, depending on the materials on which they were applied and on the environmental conditions)
  • environmentally safe
  • do not damage furniture and interior decoration
  • convenient in application
  • they have a deodorizing effect
01Solutions for disinfection based on PGMG are used for General cleaning of premises, washing floors, walls, equipment, etc.
02They are also successfully used to control mold in rooms, since such drugs kill various types of fungi (including mold spores).
03Cope with moth and inhibit the development of microorganisms, as well as help fight mold on textiles, and give them a deodorizing effect.

Disinfection solutions are prepared by dissolving solid substances of PHMG-hydrochloride in water

PGMG-hydrochloride is widely used in household chemicals as an active substance (there are disinfectants and detergents based on this substance in the form of emulsions, powders, etc.).

Preparations based on PGMG-hydrochloride have a long shelf life. In solid form in a sealed package, such products are stored for 7 years, and the working solutions prepared on their basis remain active for 2 months.

We offer to buy Polyhexamethylene Guanidine Hydrochloride
PGMG in Russia with the most favorable terms.
For more information about cooperation, you can contact us by phone:
+7 (831) 274-66-84
+7 (962) 510-85-57
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